This captivating 1930 Spanish Revival home showcases the timeless beauty of classic Spanish architecture. With its signature terracotta roof tiles and beautiful saltillo tile porch, this charming residence exudes warmth and character from every angle. The living room features stunning barrel ceilings, creating an inviting sense of space, while the beautiful original fireplace serves as a charming focal point. This home is ripe with charming original features that give that special touch of vintage character, giving you a glimpse into the past - a stunning arched front living room window, a gorgeous built-in glass cabinet in the breakfast room, a functional original mail slot, the original front door with its unique glass speakeasy and a generous hallway built-in with crystal-style knobs. For those who love to cook and entertain, the kitchen is an absolute highlight. Whether you're preparing an intimate dinner or hosting a lively gathering, this kitchen offers ample space for you to whip up delicious meals for friends and family. The open layout makes it easy to connect with guests while cooking, ensuring every meal is a memorable experience. Upgrades abound in this home: upgraded windows, doors, central HVAC, foundation bolting, electrical and plumbing. Step outside to enjoy professionally landscaped front and backyards, where lush greenery and vibrant plants create an idyllic environment. The tranquil backyard offers an ideal setting for entertaining friends and family, whether you're hosting a barbecue or enjoying the serenity of the outdoors. With plenty of space for gatherings and a soothing ambiance, this outdoor oasis is perfect for making memories. Beyond the home itself, you'll love the close-knit community that surrounds it. The neighbors here are warm, friendly, and always eager to lend a helping hand. Whether you're enjoying a peaceful evening on the front porch or taking a stroll through the tree-lined streets, it's easy to see why this neighborhood feels like a place to truly call home.What the current owners loved most about the neighborhood: "Generations of families have grown up together on this block and the surrounding streets, sharing life's joys and sorrows, welcoming new babies and honoring those who have passed. It's a place where roots run deep and connections are cherished. Shortly after we moved in, our neighbors threw a block party, a warm welcome that instantly made us feel like we belonged. Everyone brought a dish, stories were shared, and friendships blossomed. When we were struggling to move heavy pavers for our backyard, we barely lifted a finger before three different neighbors appeared with gloves and dollies, turning a chore into a shared effort. One of the most magical traditions is the annual Halloween parade - Harvard Blvd transforms into a festive wonderland, closed off to traffic as kids in costumes parade through the streets. The air is filled with music and laughter. Clowns entertain, candy flows, and the whole community comes together in a joyous celebration. This isn't just a neighborhood; it's a family. It's a place where people look out for each other, celebrate together, and support each other through life's ups and downs. We hope that the next family to live here will embrace this special community with open arms, ready to become a part of something truly extraordinary". As a bonus, Western Ave is undergoing a $37M transformation, adding value to the neighborhood! You're just minutes from SoFi, Intuit Dome, Kia Forum, Cinepolis, Hollywood Park Farmers Market, Three Weavers Brewing, and great shopping in Inglewood. Just 15 min from DTLA, Playa Vista and Culver City. If you're seeking a home that combines timeless Spanish charm, a serene backyard perfect for entertaining, and a welcoming, community-oriented environment, this home is the perfect place. This blend of beauty, character, and neighborly spirit makes this home truly special.
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Podrobnosti o nemovitosti
Informace o nemovitosti
Typ nemovitosti
Single Family Residence
Seznam Kategorie
Na prodej
Velikost domu
čtverečních stop
4 lůžka
4 koupele
Dny na místě
19 Dny
Rok postavený
Číslo MLS
Informace o šarži
Velikost šarže
Architektonický styl/Design
Stavební materiály
Interiérové prvky
Cooling: Central, Air Conditioning
Heating: Central
Exteriérové prvky
Parkovací funkce
4 parkovací místa
Private Garage
Driveway Gate
Garage - 2 Car
Garage Is Detached
Driveway - Concrete
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